Root Cause Functional Dermatology Professional Course
— Live Training —

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Root Cause Dermatology
Start Date
June 23, 2024
$ 8000
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Dr. Julie Greenberg, ND
Ready to Take Your Practice to the Next Level?
The need for practitioners trained in functional dermatology is at an all-time high – and growing more every day. Solidifying your expertise in Integrative Medicine and Holistic Dermatology will give you the tools to create life-changing transformations for your patients and build a thriving, lucrative practice.
- Do you love dermatology?
- Are you looking for a specialty so you can have a successful, thriving practice?
- Want to see patients who are highly motivated to follow your plans and get results (and are the best patients you’ve ever treated)?
Then the Root Cause Dermatology Functional Medicine course for professionals is for you!
The next 4-month mentorship cohort is starting November 3rd!
- You will receive four months of intensive functional medicine and dermatology education with both recorded and live sessions.
- There are 35 case studies with detailed plans that show exactly what oral supplements and topicals have been prescribed for each visit.
- At the end of the course, once you have completed a final case study exam and passed, you will be listed in the “Find a Practitioner” section on the RootCauseDermatology site so that patients can find you. This benefit means that the course can actually pay for itself!!
A payment installment plan is available.