Functional Mental Health Nutrition CE Bundle
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Sponsored by
Clinician’s Incubator
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$ 650
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BCNS/CNS: up to 30 CE’s
Meg Bowman MS MA CNS LDN CHES • Liz Abel MS MA CNS LDN • Alyson Roux MS MFA CNS LDN • Amber Pawula-Marcin MS CNS LDN
Relieve Depression and Anxiety with Nutrition
The Introduction to Functional Nutrition module is a comprehensive 14+ hour online course that explores the role of nutrition in achieving better mental health. The course covers various aspects of functional nutrition, including the FIGS Protocol ©, a 10-hour module that teaches participants to assess mental health symptoms from a nutrition perspective by examining Food, Inflammation, the Gut-brain axis, and Stress Hormones. The course also includes a 4-hour module on special topics such as trauma, vagal tone, and sleep, and how nutrition can positively impact these areas. Participants will learn to interpret conventional and functional lab tests, create supplement protocols based on test results, and develop condition-specific supplement protocols for depression, anxiety, ADHD, and trauma. The module also includes a deep dive into meal planning for mental health and provides downloadable recipe packs tailored to support different mental health nutrition approaches, such as high omega-3 recipes, anxiety-relieving recipes with magnesium, anti-inflammatory recipes, low FODMAP recipes, and more.