Cognition Health
— Course —

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Standard Process • Northeast College of Health Sciences
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BCNS (CNS):3 credits
Also AANP, ACBN, Acupuncture Board
Marlene Merritt, DOM, MS • Will Mitchell, DOM, MS
Keeping Your Head About You: What Does the Brain Need?
In this module, we will describe the basic physiology of the brain, understand the key mechanisms of BDNF, and learn how nutrition can play a role in brain health.
Don’t Lose Your Mind: What Damages The Brain
In this module, we will describe several physiological mechanisms of the brain involved in cognitive decline, known causes of cognition pathology, and explain how nutrition and herbal support can potentially mitigate some of this damage.
Mold and Microbes: The #1 Cause of Cognitive Decline
In this module, we will discuss the main cause of cognition issues — biotoxin illness, how to recognize it in patients, and how to screen patients for Chronic Inflammatory Responses Syndrome.
The Frank J. Nicchi School of Continuing Education, Northeast College of Health Sciences, proudly provides continuing education credits for select courses Standard Process offers. Website:; Phone #: 800-558-8740; For additional information/registration regarding these programs, please click on the “View Sponsor’s Website” button, which will re-direct you to Standard Process’s website.